Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Island :: essays research papers

I came tothe conclusion that Langston was writing about te struggle tofreedom for blacs. Lanston Hughes wrote about racism oftenin his metrical compositions, and this particular metrical composition seems to follow thatpattern. Hughes gives the feeling of loneliness and dismay atthe fact that he is not considered equal to white people. Thepoem represents the struggle for freedom and to beconsidered equal. The loud vocalizer system conveys a feeling of sadnessand loneliness in the tone of their voice, as stated in theopening sentence of the poem. "Wave of sorrow", expressesthe sadness, by the speaker who I interpret to be a blackperson caught up in the struggle to have equal right. Hughesuses language that is used in everday life. thither are noobsolete of slang words incorporated in the course of thepoem. The author uses static imagery, painting a picture ofan island standing exclusively by itself off in the distance. I see asunny, smoothe sandy island surrounded by cal waters and awarm atmosphere. Langston Hughes uses four stanzas whichare entirely couplets written in closed form. The rhyme scheme isan end rhyme with the pattern ab cb cd ad. This is a uniquepoem structure with the startle line reapeating itself again in lineseven, and the third line repeating itself again in line five. Thisis a lyric poem, meditation, which in this case th physicalobject is the island. The rhythm is set to be ill-judged quckverses with pauses to lead into each couplet. The wordchoice of the poem is use to keep the poems structure shortand compact. The word order is slightly different fromnormal use. The unconventional syntax is used to create arhyme scheme. I decided to do this poem because of theversatility of the meaning. The way Hughes writes "Island" itleaves the reader to develop their own opinions of theauthors meaning. This poem can be interpreted in manydifferent ways, for instance I also thought process that this poemcould mean a person is clo se to reaching their goal and bysaying "Wave of sorrow, Take me there", I interpreted thatas meaning they needed some sort of motivation to point

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